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Counseling for Stress & Depression Management

Hope Christian Counseling offers stress and depression counseling to Jackson, TN residents. Today, you can learn how to better manage your symptoms and the side effects of stress and depression. A small amount of stress is normal and usually unavoidable. Daily life and regular stressors can increase the amount of stress we feel. On the other hand, stress can become severe, and its side effects can mimic the way that depression looks. Stress often leads to depression as well. Learning how to manage stress and depression is vital to living a happy, healthy life.

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Managing Your Stress

Stress is triggered by something that happens in your life that puts too much mental or emotional pressure on you. Stress can be caused by a number of things, such as work, relationships, finances, and more. A little bit of stress is normal and can encourage us to get important things done. However, when stress goes unmanaged, it can become a chronic disorder, and it can lead to other things, such as depression. Our licensed counselor will help you identify stressors in your life and discuss methods of managing and mitigating these stressors.

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Dealing With Depression

Depression can affect anyone. This mental illness takes the form of a low mood that lasts for periods of time. It can look like a lot of things, but generally, it makes completing daily tasks extremely difficult. Depression typically feels like overwhelming sadness. Depression looks different for each individual that is afflicted by it. Our licensed professional will help work with you to determine what your depression looks like and how to combat the side effects that you experience. Some of the symptoms of depression are:

  • Lack of Interest
  • Appetite Changes
  • Feeling Hopeless or Helpless
  • Fatigue
  • Irritability
  • Anxiety
  • Difficulty Concentrating
  • Frequent Crying or Sadness


Contact Hope Christian Counseling Today

Hope Christian Counseling will help you manage your stress and depression symptoms. We know that life throws challenges at us. Sometimes in order to overcome these challenges, we need some outside help. That is where our licensed professional comes in. Mary Ann has been practicing since 1997. With her years of experience and extensive education, she will help guide you through any struggles you are experiencing. Offering individual, family, and marriage counseling, Mary Ann has experience working with a wide variety of issues. No matter what you are facing, we can work through it together. Reach out to us today to schedule an appointment.

Alleviate Your Suffering, Schedule an Appointment Today